Since 1991, Grants International
has saved thousands of Canadian
families and businesses over $75,000,000.
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Frequently Asked Questions - Disability Tax Credit

To see the answer, simply click on the question.

1. What is a Health Impairment Refund (HIR)?
2. What is the difference between a Refund and a Credit?
3. If I am already receiving a disability pension under CPP, WCB or under a private insurance plan, am I automatically entitled to a Disability Tax Credit?
4. Can I qualify for both a CPP Disability Pension (or Workers Compensation benefit or a private insurance plan benefit) and a DTC?
5. Can I qualify for a Disability Tax Credit (DTC) even if I'm still working?
6. How long does it take until we get the refund?
7. What if I don't consider my condition to be a disability or an impairment?
8. What is meant by "Severe" and "Prolonged" and "Markedly Restricted" impairments?
9. If it's a "tax credit", why can't my Accountant claim it for me?
10. Do I have to pay tax on the refund?
11. What if my condition improves and I am no longer impaired, can I continue to receive the tax credit?
12. Does Grants International get paid from the government to do this?
13. How much do you charge for your service?
14. Do I have to pay you any money in the future?
15. Where can I find out if I am already receiving this tax credit?
16. Who is eligible?
17. You advertisement states a refund of up to $50,000. How is that possible?
18. How do you communicate with a person who has difficulty speaking or hearing?
19. My Doctor's office has the form. Can't they submit it for me?